1986 - Phoenician coin #1

Phoenician Coin #1

cast bronze and patina
14.0 x 1.0 cm; 1,175 g
5 1/2 x 3/8 inch; 2 lb 9 7/16 oz

on view: Madrid Atelier

© Douglas Abdell
all rights reserved
photo: the FG collection

gift of the artist in August 2020

Related items:

the University of Iowa (U.S.A.) | since 1987

November, 1990 - "Art=Money?", group-exhibition under sepervision by Achille Bonito Oliva at The Gallery, New York, New York
April, 1991 - "La Quarta Guerra Punica", one-man exhibition cuarted by Achille Bonito Oliva at Galleria Massimo Riposati in Rome
April, 1991 - "Art=Money?", Hokin Gallery, Miami & Palm Beach, Florida
Summer 1991 - "Art=Money?", Horwitch Gallery, Santa Fe, New Mexico
May, 1991 - "Art=Money?", Ayzenberg Gallery, Los Angeles, California
Winter 1991 - "Art=Money?", Horwitch Gallery, Scottsdale, Arizona
May, 1992 - "Art=Money?", Riposati Gallery, Rome, Italy

Reproduction on catalogue:
"Abdell, La Quarta Guerra Punica" | 1991 | Achille Bonito Oliva | catalogue published Edizioni Carte Segrete
"Art=Money?" | 1990 | "Abdaal in the 4th Punic War" boronze coin series | catalogue published by American Image Inc.